Cyclist Syndrome | Pelvic Floor Physical Therapy
Cyclists that get pain in the perineum after riding may have pudendal neuralgia. Pudendal neuralgia is pelvic pain due to the pudendal nerve being compressed when sitting. Since the syndrome is common among cyclist and triathletes it is often referred to as “cyclist’s syndrome”.
The most common symptom is pain along the pudendal nerve or one of its branches, including rectum, anus, urethra, perineum, and genital area. You may also experience:
• Burning or Numbness
• Electric Shock or Stabbing Pain
• Knifelike or Aching Pain
• Feeling of a Lump in the Vagina or Rectum
• Twisting or Pinching
• Pain or Straining with Bowel Movements
• Straining or Burning when Urinating
• Painful Intercourse
• Sexual Dysfunction
For cyclists, compression or irritation of the pudendal nerve, is often caused by:
• Saddle Being Too Narrow or Too Wide
• Sitting on the Saddle Crooked
• Overly Aggressive Riding Posture
• Excessive Hours in the Saddle or Frequent Climbing
Lifestyle changes, pelvic floor physical therapy and medication can help with Cyclist’s Syndrome
For more information or to find a pelvic health specialist, get in touch with any of our three offices or refer to these resources:
• Herman & Wallace Find a Practitioner
• APTA Find a PT
• Pelvic Guru Find a Pelvic Health Professional