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When Yoga for Low Back Pain Isn’t Enough

yoga pose

When Yoga for Low Back Pain Isn’t Enough

Chronic low back pain can be a debilitating condition and has the potential to affect anyone. Low back pain can have a variety of causes, and typically is related to limitations in range of motion and strength, as well as chronic inflammation. Yoga is a form of physical activity that can build strength, increase flexibility, and reduce inflammation, and can therefore be an effective component in the management of low back pain. But what happens when yoga doesn’t help, or actually makes your pain worse? That’s where physical therapy comes in. Working with a physical therapist can help you to correctly identify and treat the cause of your pain as well as help you return to your yoga practice.

Interested in yoga and managing your low back pain? Our Physical Therapist, Robert Adams, has been teaching yoga since 2013 and loves to incorporate yoga into his physical therapy treatment as well. He can also use his physical therapy background to help your yoga practice. A customized treatment plan can help you based on your level of discomfort and experience with yoga. He works with beginners and experienced yogis to help them return to their practice without limitations.

If you’d like to start a conversation with Robert (or anyone in our Boulder, Longmont or Lafayette physical therapy practice) get in touch. We’re ready to help.

Groessl E.J., Richard E.L., Tally S.R. Cost-effectiveness of yoga for chronic low back pain in
veterans. Med Care. 2020;58(9): S142-S148
Kim S.-D. Twelve Weeks of Yoga for Chronic Nonspecific Lower Back Pain: A Meta-Analysis. Pain
Manag Nurs. 2020:

Slavich G.M. Understanding inflammation, its regulation, and relevance for health: A top
scientific and public priority. Brain Behav. Immun. 2015;45: 13–14.